Social Events :
- Daily Fajr and Isha prayer.
- Sunday School.
- Weekly Jummah prayer 12:30 pm .
- Monthly gathering.
- Two Eids.
- Open house every year.
- Welcoming party every semester.
- Graduation party.
- Farewell parties.
- Volunteer work .
The best way to find out about our activates is ourĀ Facebook page .
In The news :
We are pleased to announce that during the month of Ramadan 2023, we will be holding weekly learning activities. These sessions will take place at the ICM every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, starting one hour before Ul-Maghrib Adan and lasting for 30 minutes.
The topics and the date of these sessions are as follows:
Hadith (Fridays)
- Selected Hadith from the Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
2nd Day of Ramadan (March 24)
- Selected Hadith from the Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
10th Day of Ramadan (March 31)
- Selected Hadith from the Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
17th Day of Ramadan (April 7)
- Selected Hadith from the Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
24th Day of Ramadan (April 14)
Fiqh (Saturdays)
- The Conditions of the Shahadah
3rd Day of Ramadan (March 25)
- Explanation of the types of Tawhid and Shirk
11th Day of Ramadan (April 1)
- Continuation of number 2.
18th Day of Ramadan (April 8)
- The Arkan of Salah
25th Day of Ramadan (April 15)
The prophet’s seerah (Sundays)
- Seerah on Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
4th Day of Ramadan (March 26)
- Seerah on Prophet Ibrahim
12th Day of Ramadan (April 2)
- Seerah on Prophet Yusuf
19th Day of Ramadan (April 9)
- Seerah on Prophet Ayoob
26th Day of Ramadan (April 16)
We hope that these sessions will be beneficial for everyone and that we can all learn together and strengthen our faith during this blessed month.
Jazakum Allahu khayran